Rhabdocoela Aquarium
Rhabdocoela is similar in size and color to white planaria. On the right you have a rhabdocoela which has a rounded head.
Bacopa Caroliniana Tropica Aquarium Plants Bacopa Planted Aquarium Aquarium Garden
However when compared side by side the differences become clear.
Rhabdocoela aquarium. Garnelen sind nicht nur putzige Gesellen mit sehr interessantem Verhalten sie sind auch nützliche Algen- und Aufwuchsfresser vertilgen Futterreste. Eine Bereicherung für fast jedes Aquarium und ein echter Hingucker sind die manchmal transparenten manchmal bunten gestreiften gescheckten oder gepunkteten Krabbler. Its all in the shape of the head On the left you have a planarian its tell-tale trianglular head makes it easy to spot.
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Rhabdocoela is similar in size and color to white planaria. On the right you have a rhabdocoela which has a rounded head. Bacopa Caroliniana Tropica Aquarium Plants Bacopa Planted Aquarium Aquarium Garden However when compared side by side the differences become clear. Rhabdocoela aquarium. Garnelen sind nicht nur putzige Gesellen mit sehr interessantem Verhalten sie…
Rhabdocoela is similar in size and color to white planaria. On the right you have a rhabdocoela which has a rounded head. Bacopa Caroliniana Tropica Aquarium Plants Bacopa Planted Aquarium Aquarium Garden However when compared side by side the differences become clear. Rhabdocoela aquarium. Garnelen sind nicht nur putzige Gesellen mit sehr interessantem Verhalten sie…