Cory Catfish Aquarium

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Although Otocinclus might seem a perfect member of the algae-eating team and clean-up crew there is a little more to its care than that. Generally peaceful and social panda corys can be a good addition to a smaller freshwater aquarium.

Cory Catfish Aquarium
Rust Cory Catfish Corydoras Rabauti Tank Bred Catfish Freshwater Aquarium Fish Nano Aquarium

Moderate Max Size of fish.

Cory catfish aquarium. These catfish are very energetic scavengers who remain relatively small. 25 inches Temperature range. Welcome To OTF Aquarium Farm.

Now that you know more about catfish and how to care for them lets introduce you to 15 gorgeous catfish species that can live in your aquarium. Because of this they are perfect for keeping the substrate clean in a smaller freshwater community aquarium. In terms of color these freshwater aquarium catfish can come in a spectrum of shades ranging from shimmering iridescent white to dark black.

Though a 20 to 30-gallon tank is preferred. 15 Catfish Species for Your Aquarium. Corydoras catfish are the most common and readily available catfish in the aquarium hobby.

A 10-gallon tank is needed for smaller Cory Catfish species. They are also known for pacific temperament and excellent cleaning skills. We are Singapore -AVA International CITES ISO 140012004 ISO 90012000 certified Professional Breeder Exporter Of Authentic Quality Asian Arowanas for worldwide trade.

Though most will be covered in shades of brown to make camouflaging much easier. Cory Cats are some of the most peaceful and entertaining scavengers for a freshwater aquarium and will thrive in a wide range of water conditions. Otocinclus Catfish is a very peaceful fish with a huge appetite for algae.

Cory fish like the skunk Cory catfish make good tank mates for the Gourami because it tends to like the bottom of the tank leaving the top of the tank open for the gourami. The panda cory or the panda catfish is a South American species of catfish with a black and off-white coloration pattern similar to a giant panda. 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit pH range.

Julii corys are cute bottom dwellers that will clean your tank with the sensitive barbels they use to root around for food at night. But any fish attempting to swallow this diminutive catfish will be in for a painful surprise of spikes and armor.

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Although Otocinclus might seem a perfect member of the algae-eating team and clean-up crew there is a little more to its care than that. Generally peaceful and social panda corys can be a good addition to a smaller freshwater aquarium. Rust Cory Catfish Corydoras Rabauti Tank Bred Catfish Freshwater Aquarium Fish Nano Aquarium Moderate Max…

Although Otocinclus might seem a perfect member of the algae-eating team and clean-up crew there is a little more to its care than that. Generally peaceful and social panda corys can be a good addition to a smaller freshwater aquarium. Rust Cory Catfish Corydoras Rabauti Tank Bred Catfish Freshwater Aquarium Fish Nano Aquarium Moderate Max…